

Nosara (Playa Guiones)

There are three options to go from San José to Nosara (Playa Guiones):

Direct bus from San José.

2 buses. More departure times per day.

3 buses. More departure times per day.

Option A

Section 1: San José to Nosara

Bus company:


estimated length:

time schedule:

Origin terminal:

Destination Terminal:

Need to buy ticket in advance?:

Last update:

What to do in Nosara?

Gerardo Sol is a Costa Rican musician who specializes in classical guitar. You can enjoy his elegant sounds during his music performances in Nosara. Find when the next concert will take place on his Instagram Page.

Option B

Section 1: San José to Nicoya

Bus company:


estimated length:

time schedule:

Origin terminal:

Destination Terminal:

Need to buy ticket in advance?:

Last update:

Section 2: Nicoya to Nosara

Bus company:


estimated length:

time schedule:

Origin terminal:

Destination Terminal:

Need to buy ticket in advance?:

Last update:

What to do in Nosara?

Gerardo Sol is a Costa Rican musician who specializes in classical guitar. You can enjoy his elegant sounds during his music performances in Nosara. Find when the next concert will take place on his Instagram Page.

Option C

Section 1: San José to Liberia

Bus company:


estimated length:

time schedule:

Origin terminal:

Destination Terminal:

Need to buy ticket in advance?:

Last update:

Section 2: Liberia to Nicoya

Bus company:


estimated length:

time schedule:

Origin terminal:

Destination Terminal:

Need to buy ticket in advance?:

Last update:

Section 3: Nicoya to Nosara

Bus company:


estimated length:

time schedule:

Origin terminal:

Destination Terminal:

Need to buy ticket in advance?:

Last update:

What to do in Nosara?

Gerardo Sol is a Costa Rican musician who specializes in classical guitar. You can enjoy his elegant sounds during his music performances in Nosara. Find when the next concert will take place on his Instagram Page.