Who makes this website?
My name is Timi and I have a passion for backpacking. I really enjoy the freedom of moving from place to place carrying all things I need in my backpack. I like going where the locals go, learning as much as possible from them, and trying to leave a positive contribution with whatever can be useful to them from my knowledge and experience.
After leaving my job as an engineer in Europe I went to Costa Rica as part of my backpacking trip around the world. I fell in love with the country because everywhere you can find places surrounded by stunning natural landscapes and wildlife. You can also meet many amazingly friendly locals and very interesting fellow travelers.
Traveling around Costa Rica, I experienced that the public transportation network is great because it can take you to the most remote natural places. Buses are generally in good condition, safe, and also very cheap. However, like other travelers in Costa Rica, I used to struggle to find information about how to move from place to place even if I could speak the local language. After months in the country, I eventually found good methods to gather information and I decided to create this website to help others enjoy this wonderful country without having to worry about all that.

Being the #1 resource for travelers in Costa Rica.
Presenting the most popular routes in the country with information updated by the local transportation companies in real-time.
Making traveling by public transportation in Costa Rica easy.
thebusincostarica.com is in contact with local transportation companies to provide information in English about schedules, terminal locations, ticket prices and more.
- Supporting local businesses.
- Promoting transportation having a lower environmental impact.
- Promoting low budget traveling.
- Helping travelers to experience local.
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